Package fr.paris5.shaman.insight.operation

Operation objects encapsulate "things to do" on the server.


Class Summary
AbstractOperationTest Base class for all in-process Operation-related tests.
AbstractTopicOperation Deprecated.  
CreatePublicationOperation Creates a new Publication, by performing a resource import from active Legend repository.
CreateTopicOperation Creates a Topic.
DataObjectHelper Helper for factoring XxxImpl objects from XxxModel objects.
FragmentImpl Implementation of a Fragment.
GetPublicationFragmentsOperation Retrieves Fragments for a given Publication.
GetRootTopicOperation Gets the root Topic of the Model.
GetTopicDefaultPublicationOperation Retrieves the default Publication for a given Topic.
GetTopicPublicationsOperation Retrieves Topic's Publications, optionally statisfying a set of constraints (defined as filters), and, optionally, recursively from the given Topic.
GetTopicTreeOperation Gets a Topic for a given Topic / Id.
OperationTest Defines the Test Suite for Insight.
PublicationFilter Publication filters, for retaining only some Publications among all owned by a Topic.
PublicationFilter.Id Retains Publications by Id.
PublicationFilter.SealedState Retains Publication with state set to sealed.
PublicationFilter.State Retains Publication by state value.
PublicationImpl Implementation of a Publication.
PublicationOperationServerTest Performs a full integration test between Legend and Insight, based on Publication creation.
PublicationOperationTest Tests for accessing a Model's Topics and TopicNodes.
RenameTopicOperation Renames a Topic
SetTopicDefaultPublicationOperation Sets a Publication as it Topic's default.
TopicImpl Implementation of a Topic.
TopicNodeImpl Implementation of a TopicNode.
TopicOperationTest Tests for accessing a Model's Topics and TopicNodes.
UpdatePublicationStateOperation Changes a Publication state.

Package fr.paris5.shaman.insight.operation Description

Operation objects encapsulate "things to do" on the server. They can be seen as function, plus in / out parameters passed to the OperationService.

Copyright © 2002 Laurent Caillette and l'Université René Descartes, Paris 5. All rights reserved.