Spirit subsystem
URI matching
Accessing Insight content

What it does

Spirit subsystem manages Human-Computer Interaction.

Content delivery

Any content stored in Insight can (virtually) be delivered in any binary form, e.g. transforming Docbook-compliant XML into navigable HTML.

Easy scripting for dynamic pages

Dynamic pages can be generated. They can include queries to Insight server, using bundled libraries of XML dynamic tags, known as Logicsheets.

Note Dynamic pages open possibilities for navigation features, statistics on Quizzes, workflow features, etc.

Basic content administration

Taking advantage of scripting features described above, Spirit provides a default content administration interface.

What it is

Spirit is a Cocoon application. Technically speaking, it is made of several parts :

  • Cocoon itself.
  • A semantic layer for accessing Insight from XSPs (Logicsheets).
  • A compatibility layer for making Insight a Cocoon-compliant data source.
  • A Cocoon Sitemap configured for showing different kinds of content handling.
  • Some dynamic pages providing basic administration features, which can be used as examples for building more advanced features.

Tomcat and Cocoon are bundled in Shaman distribution, and configured automatically for running Spirit subsystem.

Technical Use cases

Technical Use Cases

Extending Spirit

The Use Cases shown above are abstract Use Cases. For a given configuration of Shaman, support to a particular content format may be added. This will require a pipeline definition in the Sitemap, and, optionally, addition of style-related stuff like XSLTs.

Adding a new XSP follows the same way : the XSP file is added into Spirit Webapp directory, and the Sitemap udpated accordingly.

Copyright 2002 Laurent Caillette and l'Université René Descartes, Paris 5.
All rights reserved.